
hi.. Welcome to my profile..be SMILE all the time because smiling gives color to our life so that be cheerful always...may God bless us all.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Why in creating a webpage we have to follow 60% of content and 40% percent creativity / design?

In creating a webpage we have to follow 60% of content and 40% for the creativity / design. Their is 60% of content in creating a webpage, so that the viewers can learn or get some information in our webpage. Then, their is also a 40% for the creativity / design to have a COLORFUL and ARTISTIC webpage and it can get some attention to the viewers.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My experiences about chatting

As I experience chatting in the other people I was getting nervous because I don't know if they would like to chat with me. Later on, their are five foreign people that I like to chat they are Jason Smith from New York 25 y/o, Tyson Sean from Australia 28 y/o, Shxagan Limberg from New York 30 y/o, Louis Sweeney from Texas, New York 22 y/o, Michael Brown from New York 29 y/o.

Their are three of them that I viewed their cam and talked to them. The 1st is Mr. Michael Brown when I saw him he is tall, white skin, yellow hair, and chubby and the 2ND is Mr. Jason Smith when I also saw him he is also tall, handsome, also white skin, and black hair and the last one is Mr. Louis Sweeney when I also saw him he is handsome, also tall, and have a blue eyes. When I talked to them, they are nice to talked and has a sense.

Before I got their information they usually asked your "ASL" also known as Age, Sex, and Location. In the way of chat, many different people you can explore and be friend of them but sometimes they abused the chat because they are viewing some of their parts of the body and a way of scandal. The five of them are not given me a pictures because they don't have a picture.

Base of what my experienced, we used this chat to communicate other people in the whole world and to use this in a good way not in the bad way.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"I can't live without you"

“No man is an island”. Loners don’t want to be alone. They still need somebody to give them comfort.

I am much known as a friendly person. With these kind of character, I can’t really afford to be alone. I can always prove my statement with my past experience.

Being with my high school friends is a moment in my life the serves as a great treasure. With them, I became jolly. Through them, I developed my talents and confidence. Io had just four years most of my time with them. But, even for that short time I could say that they became true to me. I already get used of being with them. We had fun going anywhere and enjoyed every single detail of our bonding moments. Trials came but we still retained our friendship. We had a lot of fun together until graduation day came and most of us separated.

Now, we are having another step towards the real life and sadly we entered the college life in different schools and universities. Luckily, I can assure myself of their loyalty as my friends. Our friendship remains but we don’t see each other often.

Being away from the caused a lot of difference in my life. I can’t live the way I have lived before without them. How I wish that before we went apart from each other, I have told each one of them, “I am nothing without you”.

What is impact of Internet in Education?

INTERNET is a world wide system of computer networks and it is commonly used by students, teachers and other individuals to gather and get facts and informations from different resources easily and quickly.

Through the internet
the students will not be needing to consume a long time to conduct their research and add knowledge to their brains.

Now a days, schools having internet connections have been observe to have a greater advantage than those who have non.

Therefore, the internet has a big impact especially to the students having their research and so on.

In this regard, internet is not just an alternative to books and others but a necessity.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Gay Liberation Now.....

When we say GAY,gay are not those dirty people,their are some gays are good and also there's a bad.

Gays are also a poeple they have a feelings,they know how to love a person and some of the people treat them like a
MALAS,ALANGANIN,but that is okay than to call you a PUSONG BABAE.

When we say Pusong Babae to my own explanation they are a man but their hearts are WOMAN that's why they called as GAYS.

So that it's natural to them or to US to love in a SAME SEX.

And me I'm a gay and i have a feelings too to love,to respect, and to care..

So we must RESPECT all the gays because they are a people have feelings and there's no such gays are STONE.

you can search here..
